Find Opportunities
and Measure Market Risks
GeoPhy’s Neighborhoods ratings, rankings, and data help you quickly and easily assess risk, allowing lenders and investors to prioritize opportunities within submarkets.
Analyze over 90,000 local areas
in any US market
GeoPhy Neighborhoods rate and rank local areas based on their relative strength in housing, demographics, amenities, and safety. We use a quantitative, data-driven approach, showing you the underlying metrics driving those ratings. We deliver GeoPhy Neighborhoods in Evra and via simple, filterable spreadsheets, so you can perform your own analyses by linking them to your internal property data. With Neighborhoods, investors and lenders can quickly assess the attractiveness and risk across neighborhoods within a submarket.
Given the size and duration of commercial real estate investments, investors and lenders must be selective about where they focus their energy and resources – especially in the current unsettled times.
CRE investors and lenders need to prioritize both the markets in which they’ll invest and which local areas to focus on within those markets. That’s a challenge given the lack of data typically used today.
Meet Data Science
GeoPhy Neighborhoods quantify local area attractiveness with more geographic granularity than commercial real estate investors, and lenders have traditionally accessed. It enables them to quickly, surgically identify the most attractive local areas within a city and submarket. GeoPhy Neighborhoods is a key complement to traditional data sources.
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Try GeoPhy Neighborhoods and experience first hand
how it can help manage risks and identify opportunities.